Babel uténte | ||||||||||
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Uténti pe léngoa |
My grandfather was from Genoa and my father came from the Ligurian Apennine (Borbera Valley). I inherited their language and love for their places of origin, although I was far from there studiyng and traveling in Germany and America. I now live and work in Rome, Italy as a translator and interpreter for German and English. In my free time I support the Wikipedia Ligure project as well as Wikisource in Ligurian (Wikivivagna) to preserve and spread the language and culture of Genoa and Liguria alike.
Mæ messiâ o l'êa zenéize, mæ poæ o vegnîva da-a Valle Borbêia, mi son stæto tanti anni in Germania e in América e òua staggo e travaggio a Romma. O mæ mesté o l'è quello do tradûttô e interprete pe-o tedesco e l'ingleize. I mæ figgieu capiscian tante paròlle do zeneize perchè i cantan e cansoìn da band dialetâle Buio Pesto. Me piaxe caminâ pe-i monti, inta Natûa, e anâ in bicicletta. Prêuvo a dâ 'na màn a-a Wikipedia Ligure e a-a Wikivivagna pe avardâ a léngoa, a stöia e a coltûa zenéize pe-o bén de Zêna e da Ligûria.
St'uténte chi o l'é nostràn lìgure.
Dieser Benutzer ist zweisprachig Deutsch/Italienisch.
This user can contribute with a near-native level of English and Ligurian