Contribûti de Jack Merridew

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14 agó 2009

  • 10:5910:59, 14 agó 2009 dif stö +16 Template:Center restoring text-indent: 0; just to be clear that this is the intent; i.e. future-proofing this; 0 is the default and will probably always be so; this is more intended to ensure against issues with local div rules down the road

20 lùg 2009

  • 14:0914:09, 20 lùg 2009 dif stö −72 Template:Languages -trailing whitespace and deprecated center element; align="center" may not be needed; only for IE6 in qwerks mode -- which we're not; IE5.X, too but there are only 17 copies left on this planet

5 nov 2008